Letting the Life of the Holy Spirit Bring Faith’s Works Alive in You!
MALACHI TEACHES   Growing in Godliness
Sometimes believers tend to be spiritu- ally nearsighted. We face the same temptation today as did God’s people in Malachi’s day: the temptation to look at ungodly circumstances around us and question God’s integrity and character. We must not mistake God’s patience for apathy. We need God’s eternal vision and to set our eyes on His desired outcome. His ways are higher than our ways, so let us walk in godliness, honoring the Lord.
  Cultivating Dynamic Devotion
In Malachi, the last of the Old Testa- ment prophets, we see that Israel once again turned away from God and His ways. Yet, God, in His infinite mercy and compassion, continues to keep His eye on the faithful few who remain dedicated to Him. Stay fully devoted to the Lord. He promises to honor, heal, and bless you.
  Pursuing Holiness
In great mercy, Jesus comes to us as the refiner and purifier of His people. It is a precious expression of His grace that He does not leave us in our sin, but promises to cleanse us. Today, when you sense the conviction of the Holy Spirit, respond with repentance. Allow the Lord to purify you.
  The Walk of Faith
Through a series of insincere ques- tions, God’s people tried to deflect the conviction of sin in their lives. This temptation continues today. Beware of trying to rationalize your sin. Self- righteousness will not save you. Wel- come God’s conviction; and respond with faith in Jesus, who promises to cleanse you.
TEXT 2:17
1:12–14 3:17, 18 4:2
Be careful to seek God’s perspective about the situations in which you find yourself. Set your heart to see God’s eternal perspective. Know certainly that evil will be punished in God’s perfect time.
Do not confuse God’s patience with indiffer- ence. Do not grow weary in well doing. Be encouraged; the Lord knows those who fear Him. He has kept a record of all you have done because you honor and esteem His name (Gal. 6:9).
Honor the King by giving Him the best you have to offer. Worship Him with all your heart, soul, and strength.
Take heart; you are a jewel, a precious treasure to the Lord. He loves you and calls you His own (Is. 62:3).
Honor the Lord, devote yourself to Him. Receive His promise that the Sun of Righ- teousness will arise over you with healing in His wings. Trust that His intention is to bless you. Worship the Lord, and thank Him for His immeasurable love and faithfulness.
Yield yourself to Jesus. He has come to purge you so that you can worship Him in righteous- ness. If you have sinned, return to the Lord and He will return to you. Welcome His con- viction, for by His grace, Jesus makes you pleasing and acceptable to God.
Understand that Jacob represents the things of faith, the things of the Spirit, while Esau repre- sents the things of the flesh. Know that God’s love never fails. If you feel unloved by God, there may be an area of sin or striving in the flesh that needs to be brought before the Lord. Receive His love and forgiveness.
Do not feign ignorance when God convicts you of sin. Respond to conviction with a sin- cere, faithful, humble heart.
Uphold the covenant of marriage. Remain faithful always to your spouse. Raise your chil- dren in godliness and faith.
1:6 2:13–16

  Keys to Generous Living
Malachi contains one of the most fre- quently quoted scriptures on the sub- ject of tithing. Tithing was included in the law, but was also part of the Abra- hamic life of faith before the law (Gen. 14:20). Therefore, New Testa- ment believers are challenged to pre- sent our tithes to the Lord as expressions of our faith, recognizing God as our only true source. Honor the Lord with your tithe, and believe that He will bless you.
TEXT 3:8–12
Do not dishonor the Lord by withholding or compromising your tithe. It belongs to Him. Take God at His Word. He has generously promised to bless you abundantly, to rebuke the devourer, and to cause you to be fruitful. If you are not tithing now, ask God to forgive you and give you the faith and ability to honor Him with your tithe.


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